Archive for the ‘Weddings & Engagements’ Category

Here’s a sweet engagement session from last week that I shot at Griffith Park in Los Angeles.  I met Saray while I was shooting her brother Angel’s wedding last August. In between all the bridal prep photos, Saray and I got to talking and she expressed her interest in learning more about photography. I offered to give her some pointers if she ever wanted…little did I know that just a few months later I’d be hearing from her to photograph her upcoming wedding. What an awesome surprise!

We spent the late afternoon at Griffith Park where Saray told me about Omar’s proposal during one of their hikes/picnics. It turns out Omar is quite the romantic, having surprised Saray in the past with a painting she really wanted. Unbeknownst to Saray, Omar had purchased the painting and planned out a hike for her to discover the hidden gift while walking the trail. So sweet! When it came time to pop the question, Omar incorporated the idea of the painting into his picnic proposal. During their hike to the picnic spot, Omar carried what looked like a book (or something) wrapped in paper. Saray thought it was another painting Omar wanted to surprise her with…when she unwrapped it, she got the surprise of a lifetime – an offer to spend a lifetime with Omar. :-)

Saray and Omar, you two are so cute together. I can’t wait to shoot your wedding this fall. Thanks for choosing me to be part of your big day.